NCYS thinks the era of unstructured sandlot play is largely gone. Organized sports in schools and recreational centers is also dwindling. For too many, participation depends on family income resulting in fewer young people being able to participate in sports. NCYS is committed to helping youth organizations serve young athletes.
The Skills Learned in Sports are Critical Building Blocks for Young People to Become Successful in Life.
- WE BELIEVE that all youth deserve the right to play regardless of income, gender, abilities, zip code, or other characteristics.
- WE BELIEVE that all youth deserve the lifelong physical, psychosocial well-being, and academic/cognitive outcomes associated with sports which require eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity.
- WE BELIEVE that all youth deserve to play sports in safe physical spaces.
- WE BELIEVE that all youth deserve high-quality sports-based youth development delivered intentionally by trained coaches.
- WE BELIEVE that youth sport is a vehicle for promoting and achieving the Nation’s health and well-being. Therefore, we have a collective shared responsibility.
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Youth sports is as American as apple pie. Collectively, we can help young people get the outcomes they deserve – increased physical activity, social and emotional well-being and cognitive growth.