Injuries are a part of playing sports. However, preparation for injuries and emergencies can be the difference between life and death. GoRescue and NCYS have joined forces to help you protect your youth athletes and your organization.
GoRescue is NCYS’s go-to premier and Official Provider of AEDs, ALS devices, CPR & first aid training, bleeding control kits, AED program management and life-saving industry events. Additionally, GoRescue offers discounted pricing for NCYS members for:
- AED365 AED Management
- Nationwide CPR, AED, and First Aid Certification Training (AHA, ARC, HSI)
- CPR Instructor Trainer Courses
- Bleeding Control Kits
- Active Violence Emergency Response Training
- Safety Supplies
- Lifesaving Summit
Leading the youth sports sector in live-saving equipment and training
GoRescue can become your one-stop shop on safety-related products and services. Contact GoRescue to learn more about its customizable services.
🎉 Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce the HeartGuard Heroes AED contest winners. Please give a round of applause to:
🏈 Greencastle Antrim Midget Football Association – Greencastle, PA
⚾ Wilson Premier Youth Baseball – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
🌟 2-4-1 Sports – Hartford, Connecticut
⚽ Union 10 FC – Daphne, Alabama
🏟 Reading American Little League – Reading, PA
🥍 Harvest Lacrosse – Webster, New York (Rochester area)
📚 Daniel E. Morgan School – Cleveland, Ohio
🏈 Morristown Youth Football Inc. – Morristown, New Jersey
⚾ Escondido Youth Baseball – Escondido, California
👫 Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade – Miami, Florida
🌆 City of San Bernardino (P&R) – San Bernardino, California
⚾ Frazier Area Little League – Fayette City, PA
👫 Boys & Girls Club of Stanton – Stanton, California
These deserving organizations will receive Zoll 3 AEDs and training support valued at $4,000 each. 🎊 Congratulations to the winners of the HeartGuard AED Contest! Your dedication inspires us all.